Strategic partnership with Avictis complements Ambit Group's Power Platform portfolio
Ambit Group enters into a strategic partnership with Avictis AG to expand its service portfolio in the area of Microsoft Power Platform. The partnership aims to provide customers with increased support in the areas of digitalization and business processes. This includes the development of model- and data-driven applications, robotization and automation of processes (RDM/RPA), AI-based bots and the visualization of data. The goal here is to help companies realize data driven business (DDB) and use data efficiently to make it interact with each other.
To get an idea of the two founders Andrej Birka and Kai Fuchs, we interviewed both of them.
we make ambition work.
Interview with Kai Fuchs and Andrej Birka, Co-Founder of Avictis AG
Thank you Kai and Andrej for your time today. We are happy to do this interview with you to get to know each other better.
First of all, the question is of course, who is Avictis AG actually?
Kai: "Avictis is a young, dynamic company. We are not a typical IT company. Our focus is the customer and his needs, not just our software developments."
A young and dynamic company. That sounds good so far: does that fit in with your life paths? Who are the people responsible for Avictis AG? How would you describe yourself, Andrej?
Andrej: "I would describe myself as a computer scientist to the core. I have been interested in the IT world since my childhood. I grew up with it and have always had a heart for innovation and new technologies. I want to pass on this passion, and above all the added value that automated processes and digitization create, to our customers."
That sounds like a passionate appeal for digitization and fundamentally new technologies - there's hardly a better motivation.
And you, Kai? What exactly drives you?
Kai: "Performance is one of my biggest drives. It always includes passion: I'm an ambitious entrepreneur and a passionate competitive athlete. With over 20 hours of training a week, I know what it means to push myself to my limits and beyond."

Pushing boundaries - Mastering digital transformation
A young, dynamic team that specializes in digitizing businesses by leveraging the Microsoft Power Platform. With their extensive expertise and commitment to innovative solutions, they help their customers move securely into the digital future.
Avictis AG strives to make the impossible possible. Kai and Andrej are ready to go the extra mile and create innovative solutions that help their customers achieve their goals.
That sounds very ambitious, Kai. Does this strong performance orientation also work together in a team like this?
Kai: "We attended IMS (Informatikmittelschule) together for 3 years. There we were able to complete joint projects and noticed that the cooperation worked very well. During this time it became clear that we both have entrepreneurial ambitions."
Andrej: "I can only agree with that, at IMS it quickly became clear that we work together excellently. We complement each other exactly where we have weaknesses and benefit from each other's strengths."
And, at which point did the decision to found a company together come about?
Kai: "During the past year, I was already able to work for the Ambit Group and its customers. That inspired me and immediately made me think about starting a company in a slightly different area of digitalization. This met with interest at Ambit Group and then resulted quite quickly in the founding of Avictis AG, with the goal of accompanying our customers on the path to digitization."
Andrej: "I remember exactly how Kai approached me with his idea and we discussed everything in the conference room next door. The idea soon became more tangible and now we're already here!"
That could be celebrated as an incredible success. What does success look like for you personally?
Andrej: "My greatest success is being able to turn my passion into my profession. I am in the privileged position of being able to do something that I enjoy - both at work and in my free time. I find that to be very valuable."
Kai: "Some of my greatest private successes are certainly in competitive sports. Being able to prove myself at the Swiss Championships, in the top10 nationally, and compete at a high level in swimming would be an example of that."
Kai Fuchs, Co-Founder & Power Platform Enthusiast

Water or mountain sports?
"As a swimmer and competitive athlete, my focus is on water sports - I love the water! I've been swimming for 14 years and everything in, on and next to the water fascinates me. But I am also a friend of the mountains. It's a great place to switch off and forget the digital for a bit."
Indulgence or asceticism?
"I am absolutely the pleasure type. In addition to the hectic everyday life, I also very much appreciate drinking a good glass of wine once in a while; just spending time, enjoying and doing nothing."
Craft or machine?
"The combination of both! A machine can be complementary to the craft, can automate and increase quality. I personally have a very big fascination with craftsmanship - old cars, watches - I still wear mechanical watches! The craft must be preserved."
A partnership can only be successful if people work together as partners. That often has to do with the value system.
Which core value of the Ambit Group can you identify with the most?
Andrej: "For me, it's the value of passion. I just love solving problems, developing processes, digitizing and ultimately automating them. I want to make a difference with my work and, optimally, drive the entire core business of a company."
Kai: "For me, it is the value of determination. When I set myself a goal, I always try to keep the goal in mind and achieve it along the way: and that also applies to our customers. In our projects, we always try to see the big picture and the goal, and even when we go through the valley of tears, we don't give up. It is particularly important that we are on an equal footing with our customers and partners. This is the key to successful projects."
To conclude our interview, the question we ask all our customers, partners and employees: What's your ambition?
Andrej: "I have the ambition to make a difference. In the case of Avictis AG, it's to drive digital transformation - especially for small and medium-sized companies. With all the technical possibilities, it would be a shame and a bit negligent if companies miss this "change"."
Kai: "My ambition is to make our customers' everyday work easier. We want to create solutions that offer real added value and push the boundaries of what is possible. As an entrepreneur and as a competitive athlete, I don't just want to be there, I want to be at the top. That's where I want to take our customers as well."
Thank you to both of you for the interview. We are looking forward to working with you and will certainly be able to follow your progress.
Andrej Birka, Co-Founder & Power Platform Creator

Water or mountain sports?
"For me it's definitely mountain sports, whether it's skiing, climbing, hiking, mountain biking. I experience everything in the mountains to be very relaxing. I can switch off there, as you are far away from the digital. For me, it's a welcome contrast to my everyday life."
Indulgence or asceticism?
"Indulgence! You have to be able to look forward to something and find a balance. For me, enjoyment doesn't just mean consuming. For me, sport is also very pleasurable."
Craft or machine?
"For me, it's the combination of both. The craft is and remains important. With the machine, the possibilities expand and craftsmen can focus more on the qualitative work."
The Power Platform is designed to accelerate the digitization of business processes and increase user productivity without requiring extensive development skills. It integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft services and applications, such as Microsoft 365 and Dynamics 365, but also with a wide range of third-party applications. Organizations can use the Power Platform to create customized solutions for their specific needs and leverage data efficiently. Microsoft's Power Platform is a collection of cloud-based tools and services.
AI Builder is a Microsoft Power Platform feature that provides AI models designed to optimize your business processes. AI Builder enables your organization to use intelligence to automate processes and gain insights from your data in Power Apps and Power Automate.
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