Ambit Group: Aktion Deutschland Hilft starts digitalisation journey with the Ambit Group

The Aktion Deutschland Hilft alliance has christened the joint digitalisation project with the Ambit Group "NOVA". The name comes from Latin and can be translated as "the new one" or "the bright star": a pioneering name for the introduction of the cloud-based Microsoft platform.

In the project team, "NOVA" is used with a wink as an abbreviation for "new without much effort".

we make ambition work.

January 2025


Aktion Deutschland Hilft starts digitalisation journey with the Ambit Group

The team behind "NOVA"

In the picture from left to right: Thomas Lewandowski (Head of BU NPO), Maria Rüther (Managing Director of Aktion Deutschland Hilft - ADH for short), Bastian Richelshagen (Digitalisation & CRM Project Coordinator, ADH), Katrin Keller (Project Manager Ambit Group), Markus Gieske (Managing Director Administration, Finance & Human Resources, ADH)

Classic NPO topics and improved coordination in the event of a disaster

The project focuses on classic NPO topics relating to donations. "NOVA" encompasses far-reaching process, data and technology changes and is a platform project based on the Ambit NPO Foundation. In addition, marketing and financial aspects, including the accounting of incoming and outgoing payments, will be dealt with accordingly.

In an emergency, it is important to get the coordination of the alliance organisations up and running as quickly as possible in order to be able to provide rapid and effective assistance.


The starting point for the "NOVA" project

Aktion Deutschland Hilft is continuing to develop its organisation. In doing so, the alliance for rapid humanitarian aid is focussing on three strategic priorities. 

  • A strong brand, strong communication and strong fundraising to finance the aid provided by the alliance's organisations
  • Collective action within the alliance
  • Future viability of the alliance and strengthening the network

The defined strategic priorities are reflected in the organisation: the three divisions "Fundraising & Marketing", "Communication & Partnership" and "Administration, Finance & Organisation" are responsible for fundraising, philanthropy & partnerships, donation services and communication, the Partnership and humanitarian aid, as well as human resources & organisation, finance & controlling and the interdisciplinary Themes & Knowledge team.

Why did Aktion Deutschland Hilft decide in favour of the Ambit Group?

"Aktion Deutschland Hilft chose the Ambit Group as its implementation partner because it was impressed by its holistic approach.

In addition to fundraising, alliance work and finance, our NOVA project is primarily about focusing on our three most important target groups: donors, alliance organisations and Aktion Deutschland Hilft employees.

The Ambit Group convinced us with their presentation and in joint discussions that they understood our core processes from A to Z and would provide competent support."

Bastian Richelshagen, Referent Digitalisation & CRM Project Coordinator, Aktion Deutschland Hilft

Microsoft platform enables modern fundraising with seamless collaboration between aid organisations

For Aktion Deutschland Hilft, every single supporter of the alliance and their donation is at the centre of its efforts. In order to understand the supporters even better and make fundraising even more effective, the Microsoft platform will now make it possible to track donations across all touchpoints and all phases of the donor relationship. Donations are to be forwarded to the respective member organisations for the implementation of humanitarian aid according to clearly defined criteria.

The platform will also be used to centrally manage information on the use and distribution of the donations entrusted to it.

In order to be able to set up the forward-looking project correctly for the large number of aid organisations in the Aktion Deutschland Hilft alliance, the project/tender team was put together on an interdisciplinary basis. This meant that experts for every area of the flow of funds were represented.


About the alliance Aktion Deutschland Hilft

Aktion Deutschland Hilft is an alliance of renowned German aid organisations. The aim of this alliance is to achieve an even more efficient use of your donations and to provide joint, rapid and coordinated aid to people in need.

For more information on the alliance partners and their priorities, visit

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