E-Commerce & CRM - working together for success!
Many companies have been investing in the topic of e-commerce (webshop, PIM), also strongly motivated by the situation in the last two years. This is especially the case in small and medium-sized enterprises - in manufacturing or also in technical wholesaling.
The goal is to enable customers to obtain standard products, replacement parts or other services at any time.
As a side effect, the service portfolio is expanded, the ordering processes are automated and the work in sales can be focussed on potential-oriented acquisition. The investments in a capable e-commerce platform are considerable and fundamentally challenging for companies. Knowledge about products, details and connections must be entered, uniform structures for configuration must be established and the interface between shop and ERP must be designed and implemented consistently.
When all this is done and the shop is live, you can first be proud! But the journey is not over yet; even the best web shop doesn't really work without a professional CRM! Or in other words, only with a modern CRM you can return the investment in e-commerce (RoI).
Get a range of valuable information on how and why you should change your business in terms of Customer Experience / CRM and how you can benefit from it.
Further informationen about e-Commerce & CRM (german only!)
Like to learn more about e-commerce & CRM?
Have a look at our webinar recording now (german speaking):
E-commerce and CRM in manufacturing and technical wholesaling

Further Informationen / Links
E-Commerce & CRM - working together for success (german only!)

Are you interested in this topic? I would be pleased to answer any queries you have.
Christian Schipp, Chief Business Development Officer
+41 79 954 17 09